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Preparing for or recovering from a C-section

These 1:1 sessions (online or in Oslo) are for you if you are ready to prepare for a (potential) belly birth or if you are postpartum after birthing through your belly. 

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What we can do together

Birth preparation 

  • Preparing for a potential c-section if you are planning for a vaginal birth

  • Coming to terms with an elective c-section 

  • Creating a birth plan for a cesarean birth.


  • Emotional recovery after a belly birth

  • Physical recovery after a belly birth

  • C-section scar massage (from September 2024)

Journey towards pregnancy

  • Preparing for pregnancy after a cesarean birth.

Single session bookings

I keep my calendar open for a few single session bookings. Click the button blow to secure your spot. These are all online through Zoom. Please note that 30-minute sessions are only available for those who have worked with me before.

I enjoyed my 1:1 sessions with Claudia so much!! She is such a warm person and held space for me in a lovely way. I could adress all my monkey mind chatter and she gave me valuable input for my process. The sessions were a nice combination of yoga and conversations. Thank you so much, Claudia!

I have so appreciated our sessions, truly truly wonderful grounding moments for me in what was a difficult time for me.

Thank you for all the wonderfulness you are bringing into my life with your nourishing practice, it's a true gift to my mind and soul. 

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